A MANIFESTO is to act parting from certain principles to turn actions into projects.

Each ACTION has the purpose of provoking an imprint to reactivate, transform and resignify the space.

To manifest etymologically means "to be caught in the ACT", which is why each of these points affirms the way in which our design acts.

1. Stand Ground
We are flexible enough to make concessions without compromising our principles: we actively listen to the needs of our stakeholders and stand for them.

2. Facilitate placemaking
We hold a vision of place that interconnects community because communities are an anchor for equity, diversity and resilience.

3. Change the spatial perception
We change the collective perception of space through site-actions, playful spatial readings that activate the potential of a place.

4. Change barriers into boundaries
We recover spaces for public use by transforming barriers into inhabitable borders that rebuild the social fabric.

5. Resignify Materials
We create a sense of identity and belonging through materials, textures and atmospheres in dialogue with the local landscape.

6. Recycle & Reuse
We convert underused and disused spaces into places of resilience by recycling extant infrastructure.

7. Work with temporality
We reactivate the social time of the space considering the evolving needs of occupants and the different synchronous uses of a site.

8. Build narratives
We tell stories in the way we represent our projects; stories are another way of spatial knowledge.

9. Approach the landscape as a program
We make the landscape part of the program by designing architecture that becomes ecological infrastructure and supports ecotones or transitional spaces between different ecosystems.

10. Search content in context
We reread local practices, territory and the site acting in line with the cultural landscape.

11. Beauty is a basic right
We design spaces with the same respect we hold for sacred places by designing inclusive and accessible places for all.


Rozana Montiel Estudio de Arquitectura
in collaboration with Claudia Rodriguez

CIVAC Linear Park

Jiutepec, Morelos

CIVAC Linear Park is an urban infrastructure and renewal project undertaken on one of the main avenues of Jiutepec in the State of Morelos under the Urban Improvement Program (PMU 2021) of the Ministry of Agrarian, Territorial, and Urban Development (SEDATU).

Through this urban reconstruction effort in vulnerable areas, we activate a series of public and cultural spaces in the Industrial City of Cuernavaca Valley (CIVAC) to foster a sense of belonging and pride in its communities.

The project integrates 1.15 kilometers of linear park, a civic center that houses the public institutions of the municipality and the delegation, a new Skatepark and an intermediate fountain that articulates the civic center with the linear park.