Taller de proyectos 3: Habitar (La Casa): Hábito, Habitación, Habitáculo

Rozana Montiel es invitada como profesora del taller de proyectos 3 de la Licenciatura de Arquitectura de Centro.

El taller Hábito, Habitación, Habitáculo explora el estudio de la casa a través de la relación entre: los rituales domésticos (habitar), las personas (habitantes), sus costumbres (hábitos), su entorno construido (habitáculo) y su contexto natural (hábitat).

Profesora asistente: Betina Rincón

Art if Act

Illinois Institute of Technology
IIT College of Architecture

Cities often collect objects, subjects and situations that interweave to build stories of the everyday life. This seminar explores the ideas in how to act on common places with the practice of looking closer at the things we already have at hand.

Firenze Architettura 1.2022

Pilgrim’s Route, Mexico. (Alberto Pireddu)

Artículo sobre el proyecto Ruta del Peregrino y Vacío Circular publicado en la revista académica de la Universidad de Firenze

Abundant scarcities

Rozana Montiel together with Sana Frini will give the class “Abundant scarcities” at Cornell University, Architecture Art Planning.

Domestic space explorations 

On September 29, the workshop “Domestic space explorations ” begins, which will be given to Rozana Montiel during 5 zoom sessions for Fábrica de Ciudad.

Florida International University

Today Rozana Montiel will be giving a lecture about her projects at the Department of Architecture in Florida International University.

Blank Thinking Sheets

Next January 16th will be the opening of the exhibition: “Blank Thinking Sheets” showing the projects of our office, at the Design Gallery of the Department of Architecture Florida Internacional University