Housing +×−

"Beauty is a basic right."

The greatest benefit of this model is its adaptation of uses and progressive growth, since it proposes a simple construction system in concrete that concentrates the facilities in a nucleus.


Architectural Project: Rozana Montiel Estudio de Arquitectura
Colaboradores: Laura Stoll, Eleonora Pradegan, Adriana Rodríguez Zamudio
Location: México
Year: 2020

This prototype for a progressive, single-family home for the Mexico City surrounding area seeks to give more for less, under the premise that "Beauty is a basic right." It offers different bioclimatic housing solutions for the same property with flexible spaces and functional progressions. The greatest benefit of this model is its adaptation of uses and progressive growth (39 m2–114 m2), since it proposes a simple construction system in concrete that concentrates the facilities in a nucleus. The interior patios give added value to the house since they not only preserve the customs of Mexico, but can become productive gardens, family workshops and business.